So you’re thinking of running the Walt Disney World Marathon in 2026? Are you just running the marathon? Half? Goofy Challenge? Feeling crazy and going for the Dopey?

General registration opens on 3/11, so regardless, the time is nigh to make your decision and commit to a race! Before you commit though, here are some insights from a 2 x Run Disney WDW Marathon winner on whether the Walt Disney World Marathon is the right race for you.
The Walt Disney World Marathon may NOT be for you, if you:
Want to run a PR. This seems like an obvious one, but it’s worth pointing out regardless. While the course is flat, a few things can make it challenging to run a PB at the Walt Disney World Marathon or half including the SUPER early start, unpredictable weather, and a course with lots of turns.
Struggle with warm temperatures. While Florida temperatures in January can be difficult to predict (I’ve experienced everything from sub 30 degrees at the start, to 70 degrees with 95% humidity), chances are that it’s likely going to be warm. Something to consider if you’re coming from a colder climate and haven’t had the opportunity to acclimate to the heat.
Get annoyed by crowds and logistics. The Walt Disney World Marathon is a HUGE race with big crowds and sometimes confusing logistics. Between the shuttles to the start, finding the right corral, and maneuvering your way through the race at the start, it can lead to a not ideal way to start your race, and can be frustrating.
The Walt Disney World Marathon IS for you, if you:
Want to have a TON of fun. There is no race that I’ve had as much fun at as the Walt Disney World Marathon. From running through the lit up empty parks in the early morning, to seeing the characters and photo spots along the course, it’s just a flat out good time.
Are a big Disney nerd. If you’re like me and are just a fan of the Disney parks, then this is absolutely the race for you. You get to see some back of house areas, which is cool (especially at the Animal Kingdom), run through the parks, ride rides if you so choose, and take pictures with some special characters that you don’t see every day. All in all, a running Disney nerds dream.
Want a family friendly race experience. There’s probably no easier race to convince your spouse to travel to, especially if you have kids. Kids will obviously have fun at the parks, but there are shorter race options like the 5k and kids runs available to delight all ages. This race is an absolute W in terms of family friendliness and fun.
All in all, I highly recommend giving the Walt Disney World Marathon a chance. If you get good conditions, you can run fast (I ran my second OTQ on this course), and have a really fun, unique marathoning experience. And if you’re just in it for FUN, then this is absolutely the race for you.
Stay tuned in 2025 for MUCH more Run Disney content from yours truly, as I’ll talk about training tips, logistical tips, race day stuff, and much much more, as I’ll also be preparing for my return to Walt Disney World Marathon weekend.
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